As the Lead UI and UX Designer, I took the helm in revamping Interface’s digital presence, forging a new trajectory for product discovery and enhancing audience engagement.

Discover what we built and learned ⇣

Designing for designer’s sake.

Interface is a carpet tile manufacturer that has long been a leader in sustainability and design. However it’s aging digital presence was failing to reflect the brand’s innovative spirit, resulting in a disjointed and ineffective user experience. To address this, Interface engaged Peopledesign to reimagine their digital presence, with a focus on product discovery and specification for their primary audience—interior designers.

Frame tablet
Interface Product Browsing
Interface Product Browsing
Frame tablet
Interface Product Browsing
Interface Product Browsing
Frame tablet
Interface Product Browsing
Interface Product Browsing
Frame tablet
Interface Product Browsing
Interface Product Browsing

Unifying digital and physical.

Digital solutions are rarely isolated experiences. Interior design is inherently a physical and hands-on process. By aligning product discovery with off-screen workflows, we pioneered innovative browsing approaches, ensuring a seamless and effective user journey both online and offline. Helping designers find their perfect product through a digital experience that mirrors their physical process.

Frame tablet
Interface Product Viewer
Interface Product Viewer
Frame tablet
Interface Product Viewer
Interface Product Viewer
Frame tablet
Interface Product Viewer
Interface Product Viewer

Embracing the customer context.

Prioritizing solutions that bridge the gap between digital and physical realms, we addressed the unique challenges of translating physical products to screens. It’s more efficient to explore and generate carpet tile patterns digitally, while carpet tile textures are more effectively explored in the physical world. We made it easy for designers to evaluate both and seamlessly get physical samples in their hands.

Frame tablet
Interface Product Marketing
Interface Product Marketing
Frame tablet
Interface Product Marketing
Interface Product Marketing
Frame tablet
Interface Product Marketing
Interface Product Marketing

Building for influential audiences.

Guided by customer research insights, we acknowledged that the primary audience isn’t always the customer. While purchasers are the primary customer, interior designers have the greatest influence on the product specification. This realization empowered us to focus our efforts, honing in on a deep understanding of and catering to interior designers values, processes, and needs.

Interface Floor Designer Process Interface Floor Tracking Issues Interface Floor Designer Configurations Interface Moodboards Interface Tile Discovery Process Interface Production Configuration Interface Floor Designer Process Interface Color Family Filtering

Establish lasting foundations.

We partnered with internal teams to successfully implement and evolve our solutions, a collaboration across marketing, design, and development. While our contributions were completed years ago, even amidst the ever-evolving digital landscape, our strategic foundation lives on, enabling a consistent and effective customer experience that aligns with audience needs.

Frame tablet
Interface Product Browsing
Interface Product Browsing
Frame tablet
Interface Product Browsing
Interface Product Browsing
Frame tablet
Interface Product Browsing
Interface Product Browsing

Project summary

We successfully launched a transformative digital experience, reshaping the specification process for interior designers. This effort not only streamlined workflows but also elevated the overall digital user experience, marking a significant milestone in Interface’s journey.


Discovery tools


Marketing experience


Ordering system


  • Concept design

  • User experience design

  • User interface design


  • Kevin Budelman

  • Chris Taylor

  • David Schofield

  • Ray Brown

  • Scott Krieger